Naket, utlämnande, ärligt, öppet

Bloggen du just ska läsa i liknar nog inte många andra bloggar vill jag intala mig. Här är det en blandning av sött, surt, salt och beskt. Vi är fyra i min familj, fyra högst omaka individer som bakat den godaste kaka som finns, med några av de äckligaste ingredienser du kan tänka.
Ledord: ADHD, aspergers syndrom, ODD, ryggfraktur, diskbråck, kotkompressioner, ME, Fibromyalgi, Utmattningssyndrom, Husrenoveringskaos. Men också kärlek, ömhet, omtanke, respekt, mys, närhet, öppenhet, hjälpsamhet, ärlighet, förlåtande, förståelse.

Vi har livsviljan få ens skulle orka tänka på i ett så komplext läge! Och jag är förbannat stolt över min fina familj!

Varmt välkommen ska du känna dig!

söndag 17 mars 2013

There is no return.

You can not undo the things you did. You can not take back the words that you said.
But that is things I can forgive.
But the fact that you choosed to not belive my words, my fear, to say I am lying and ungreatfull. To not trust me.
I am badly and probably permanant damadge now. Deep scars bursted and I can not see how they ever going to heal again.

It is the one thing we never ever done to one each other. We have never ever turned our backs at eash other when it came to trust. Ever.

I have always had the comfort in that. We have had the greatest of things in a realationship. Trust.

You really did not belive me this night did you?

I have never ever been that hurt by you.
I can not swallow the feeling inside me. It feels unfair.

I guess this will haunt me. I will not scream for help no more?! I need to put my head down and give myselfe som rest. But the inside of my body screams, turns it self inside out and bleeding.
I feel all alone. I feel abandoned. I hope it is a really bad dream.

I do not even have the energy to write it down no more. I just want silence inside myselfe.

I am anything but okey.

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